5 Exterior Upgrades to Increase Your Home’s Value

Home upgrades are a large part of improving the value of your property: but where do you start? Whether you’re trying to sell your home or you want to upgrade it so that you like living there better: these are some of the most important upgrades that will increase your home’s value.

Why The Exterior Matters
The exterior of your home is the most important part by far. Not only does it protect the inside of your home from weather and temperature fluctuations, but it’s also the first thing many buyers see and can be the deciding factor on whether they even want the
home before they’ve seen the inside of the property.
Although you should still upgrade the interior of your home and get it to your liking, it’s important that you make an exterior that you’re proud to drive home to every single day.

1. Add Exterior Space for Entertaining
Dining area setup
When the weather heats up, nobody wants to be stuck inside anymore. Instead, many people are more excited to get a chance to go outside and enjoy fresh air and companionship with the people they love.

Consider adding a deck and outdoor gathering area! This space should include seating, a good focal point to rest your eyes online, like a fire pit, and possibly an umbrella or roof overhang to block some of the sunlight if you live in an intolerably hot area. Make sure to budget thoroughly, including everything from the sealant and the decking clips you’ll need to the railing that will enable people to safely enjoy sitting out in this
shared space!

2. Consider Finally Swapping to Solar
Almost everything we need for daily life in the modern world is tied to power. From hot water to our entertainment, to the internet if you use it to work, we need electricity to be able to function in modern society. Because of this, it’s vital that outages happen as infrequently as possible.

Swapping to solar ensures that you’ll have power even if your area suffers from a power outage. In the long run, solar can also save you money; it’s good for the environment and improves your property value: it’s worth investing in. Speaking to a professional can ensure that process is done smoothly.

3. Update Your HVAC System to Handle Everything

AC unit

Your HVAC system should be checked once a year at least, with filters getting swapped out every month, but it’s vital that you also replace your system when it’s time to. If your system is older, or it’s just not running as well, it’s time to consider replacing it with a better system.

Look for one that’s able to run efficiently, can handle your home’s square footage, and is within your budget. If your home is a two-floor house, consider putting in two separate HVAC systems since the upper floor will always get warmer than the downstairs, and running one system for the two floors isn’t always efficient.

4. Replace Your Roof Before Leaks Start
Roof repair

Although the average roof can last between thirty to fifty years: once you hit the time to change it out, you’re out of wiggle room. Lost or weak shingles can allow moisture, insect life, rodents, and birds to make their way in while leaks guide water down into the house that can cause further rot.

While upgrading and repairing your home, it’s vital that you check how old your roof is and if it’s time to replace it. Pick a roof that’s long-lasting and contains fire resistant roofing materials, and is able to handle the heat, rain, freeze, and almost anything else!

5. Upgrade Your Siding for a Fresh Look
When it comes to exterior upgrades, house siding plays a pivotal role in transforming the look and functionality of your home. Siding not only enhances curb appeal but also provides essential protection against the elements.

Whether you opt for classic vinyl siding for its durability and low maintenance, the timeless charm of cedar shake siding, or the eco-friendly appeal of fiber cement siding, choosing the right siding material can significantly impact your home’s aesthetics and
energy efficiency.

With a wide range of colors, textures, and styles available, house siding offers a versatile canvas for homeowners to express their unique tastes and elevate their property’s overall appeal.

Every Home Can Do Better With Some upgrades.
Whether you recently bought your home and you’re trying to make it your own, or you’re getting ready to sell your home and want to ensure it’s everything you need: it’s important to make positive changes to your property. Consider some of these for your next projects.

Brian Jeffries is a freelance writer that loves sharing his knowledge and expertise on construction projects and materials. He lives in Winter Park, Florida where he enjoys spending time with his wife and working on projects in his spare time. Brian’s work as a freelance writer can be found on Building Product Advisor, a construction industry resource site.

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