A new way to resolve building violations without leaving your home.

There are many building violations and only one app to tame them all.

It was a long time ago, when Michael Germanovsky, a project architect for Philip Toscano Architects, has met an obstacle in pulling a permit, when managing a renovation project for a private home in New York City.

Everything went well in the project at first. Plans were designed and approved by both the client and the Department of Buildings. It was a big job. A lot of efforts went into planning and getting it approved. However, when client’s general contactor tried to pull the permit, he was denied.

Apparently, there were building violations on the property that must be resolved before a new permit can be pulled. While it seemed at first as an easy thing to do, it wasn’t. “Although the job we filed had taken care of most of the charges that were alleged in the violation,” – Michael remembers: “there were procedures that the client was responsible for to complete. This became an obstacle, because the client struggled with finding building violation professionals that could guide him through this process.” As a result, the project stalled for months. Not a happy situation for a client, and very frustrating for the design team that worked long hours on the renovation.

This experience has left an unpleasant memory in Michael’s mind, and pushed him to purchase the domain BuildingViolation.com. The purpose to buy the domain was to develop a go to place to keep his tools to resolve building violations. At first it was a simple webpage with link to articles and government portals, with references to rules and regulations. It was a place where Michael went to get help for projects he worked on, but also a place to direct his clients, to guide them in resolving building violations.

With time, other people started to find the website and contact Michael to resolve their building violations. One thing led to another, and in collaboration with Tbox Solutions, a new web app was born: Building Violation Expediter.

This app takes all of the knowledge of processes involved in resolving building violations and fuses it with modern communication technologies that allows matching violations with building violation professionals.

All that a respondent needs to do is enter their address in to the web app and answer a few questions to start the process. Under the hood of the web app is an administrator and a network of building violation professionals that are ready and willing to provide a redemption. As soon as the administrator releases the violation information in to the network, pros are notified and ready to submit their offers. From there on you don’t even need to leave your house, to resolve a violation.

Check it out. If you have a building violation or if you have a question, simply go to BuildingViolation.com

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